Carlini-Wagner Attack

    attack-type : white box
    goals :       targeted
    time :        training


  • The CW attack aims to find the minimum perturbation that can lead to a misclassification while considering a distance metric like L2 or L∞.
  • Used on models robust to FGSM.


  • Unlike FGSM, the CW attack is iterative, slowly optimizing towards the best and smallest perturbation until success/criteria met.
    • More computation and complexity due to its iterative nature
  • Uses a modified loss function to encourage misclassification. The loss function is modified as follows:
    • A term which encourages misclassification of the perturbed input
    • A regularization term which keeps the magnitude of the perbutation as small as possible
      • The best regularization parameter is found by a binary search-style optimization.


  • Adversarial examples produced from the CW method tend to be more effective and less detectable than from FGSM, due to the iterative process.
  • CW works well against models which have been made robust to FGSM
  • While FGSM is more commonly used in an untargeted fashion, the CW attack aims to cause input to be misclassified as a specific class.



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